For our purposes , we shall simplify the description of a normal gait cycle to the bare essentials.  In the picture below, the back foot starts with apush off and ends  up  in front with a heel strike. The front foot moves to midstance then to the back. This is not a complete cycle (see video clip below for full description) but is a sufficient descriptionfor our needs.


Freezing is caused when the swing phase is interrupted during the gait cycle. A sudden distraction causes the swinging foot to stop swinging and land beside or behind the other foot. This could be due to a sudden loss of balance and both feet are stuck in mid stance because they are both supporting the body. From this position neither feet are able to push off. And hence the  person experiences the sensation of being glued to the ground.


Always make sure that you push off from the back foot. Make sure you complete the swing phase and land your swinging foot in front of the other foot.  Don't try to push off when both your feet are side by side or push off with the front foot. Always push from the back foot. This is why lines on ground or asking people to think big steps or march to a tune help break people's freeze, they all have the same effect. They make the person put one foot in front of the other thus breaking the freeze and put people back into a normal gait cycle.

That's it ! That is the solution.  Simple isn't it , once well once you understand the problem.

Here are some video clips for reference.

In order for this correction to be effective , I need to give myself  mental commands to do the following:
1. Keep one foot in front of the other.
2. Push off with back foot
3. Complete the swing phase  

Copyright freezinggaitsolution